Если вы не решили еще чем заняться вечером воскресенья, Полина знает что предложить: конечно пойти в театр! И не куда-нибудь, а в Мариинку. Итак, вот рекомендации от нашего театрального гуру: Being a fan of ballet and opera, I find a lot of pleasure in spreading the word (more blabbing, actually) about these arts. Here is a piece of advice for those Saint-Petersburg citizens who have never been to Mariinsky Theatre. If you want to watch a ballet for the first time, choose La Sylphide, romantic and light, dating back to 1836. In short, here is what you need to know about it: 1. It's set in Scotland and yes, male dancers are wearing kilts. 2. There is barely any plot so you won't get lost even without any text aid. 3. It lasts for an hour and a half and has an interval! 4. It's much more beautiful than you can imagine. It's OK to be scared and nervous about visiting that place full of snobbish people like me. Coping with such kind of stress is easy. You'll need self-confidence and alcohol. But here is the golden rule: one glass of champagne makes the show better, two glasses make it funny and three glasses don't give you any other chance but to sleep in your chair. ____________________________ vk.com/hopnscotch http://vk.cc/4dq2ni— приходи к нам знакомиться +7 (812) 923 34 47

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